So we didn't celebrate Father's Day the way we had hoped. The newborn-sized onesie with "I Love Daddy" on the front is still packed in the diaper bag and Jonathan's presents have yet to be unwrapped. The good news is that not only did we get take advantage of Old Navy's Father's Day sales, we've also had lots of time to catch up with family and friends, mainly those who call to ask "Is that baby here YET???". We also got to hear the collective sigh of disappointment when we wallked into church yesterday, obviously still extremely pregnant.
Of course, we really do have so much to be thankful about. Kaethe is still feeling great and the baby seems to be doing fine. We read an article recently entitled "
Does Fatherhood Make You Happy?" and agree with the general consensus of yes, although that it is certainly frustrating at some points, the wonderful moments make up for it. I'm sure that when we actually meet the baby, all the struggles of waiting so long (and hopefully the pains of labor) will disappear.