Friday, December 07, 2012

Eleven Months Old


Since we are once again way behind the actual day of the 22nd for this big girl, here are a collection of Laney + Pooh pictures.  Obviously, she's way too busy these days just to pose and smile.  She can walk holding on to our hands but hasn't ventured on her own yet.  Her appetite is still huge with favorites of fruit, rice chex, and meat.  She still nurses about five times a day but takes a bottle of whole milk pretty easily too.  Sometimes even in a sippy cup.  She's pretty excited to be around other little ones, especially my students in the Moms & Toddler class and her partner Opal in the Ryan clan.  Her vocabulary is now up to "Mama", "Dada", "Hi/Hey", and "Yay".  One of her big talents is brushing her own hair or teeth--not that she has too much of either! Of course, nothing is more enticing than a flight of stairs or a bunk bed ladder.  She's a daredevil, that one.  Thankfully, her hugs and kisses keep getting sweeter and sweeter.  We can't believe we only have a month left of "Baby" Delaney.

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