Friday, March 29, 2019

4! 4!

Happy birthday Everly and Grant!  We were all so excited to celebrate them turning four-they seem so grown up!  This is really a stage for the two of them, especially since the baby stage with twins is often harder to appreciate since there is so much work. And screaming, in their case.  But now we see the delights in there unique personalities and also the bond between them that just keeps growing stronger. 

This was a big year for them.  They started Child Care two half days a week and are finally beginning to enjoy it.  They love MOPS and Sunday School, going to the Y and swim lessons.  They also love "stay-at-home days" most of all and can easily spend the day making up games between the two of them.  They love anything to do with cars--riding their indoor cars they got for Christmas, playing with the Peppa Pig car, racing matchbox cars, etc. Everly's favorite colors are pink and purple and she still adores baby dolls. And anything to do with Peppa Pig.  Grant loves red and green, the song "Joy to the World", and Power Rangers. Books are always a hit with them and we are regulars at the library story hour. They are HUGE eaters and really like most foods. One of their sweetest times is early mornings when they wake up ready to cuddle and tell "scary stories", i.e. any examples we know of times when someone saw a mouse, or thought a dog was a fox, or had raccoons in their attic.

Everly and Grant, we love you both so much! We had hoped and prayed for another baby to our family and were overjoyed (and surprised!) when God gave us TWO!  You are such gifts to us and your sisters and we can't wait to see what this year brings.

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