Friday, May 01, 2020

COVID Week 7

This week Mali and Brinnly finished their final confirmation exam!  They also had their interview with our pastor and we finalized the plans for their confirmation.  

 This week we took advantage of the one day of amazing weather and took our first family bike ride!  It took HOURS to prep for it--getting the correct helmets for everyone, adjusting seats, installing a bike rack, packing supplies, etc.  But it was worth it! We got in six miles--and the big girls fit in a few more.

 We have been cooking and baking a ton!  Mali made her godmother's recipe for Chocolate Chess cake. It was wonderful!
 The kids had fun picking flowers outside.
 The EGL kids got to come in to school with me one day this week and help film a virtual tour. It was so bittersweet to see them in their (otherwise empty) classrooms!

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