Yes, we are devoted Steeler fans who are supposed to hate the "mistake by the lake". But, we did have a very enjoyable Palm Sunday weekend in Cleveland, celebrating Jonathan's mom's birthday. Happy Birthday Grandma Deni! We actually liked the city so much that we returned a few days later, although that was really just an excuse to shorten our drive to Michigan for Easter. On our Cleveland vacation we visisted the zoo, a great open-air produce market, and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. We stayed at the beautiful Hyatt at the Cleveland Aracade (shown in the picture). Isn't priceline.com the best invention in the world?
At the R & R Hall of Fame we learned quite a bit about Les Paul, creator of both the electric guitar and the eight-track. Interesting, right? However, we actually lived in his hometown for a year (Waukesha, WI) and near there for several more years and never once knew exactly who he was. The only thing we had heard of him was that a few years ago Waukesha was trying to designate his birth place as a historical landmark, but unfortunately realized that they had built a Walgreens where it once stood. So unfortunately they are just left with the Les Paul Parkway, appropriately marked with a guitar symbol.