Next on the list--Shoo-Fly pie. I love the idea of making regional foods and I guess the new license plate for Pennsylvania is "I brake for Shoo-Fly pie". Until this summer I had only heard about it as a part of Amish culture. After trying it (several weeks in a row) at the farmers market, I tracked down a recipe from our neighbor Becky who is not only a great cook, but also a blogger who recently wrote about how she loves cooking, including making things for her neighbors.
Shoofly Pie
Serves 6
375 degrees
35 min.
Preheat oven to 375F.
Prepare 1 unbaked 9" pie shell*.
Cut together w/ pastry blender:
1 cup flour
1/2 c. brown sugar
2 T shortening or margarine
Reserve 1/2 c. crumbs for topping.
Combine in mixing bowl:
1 cup molasses
1 eggs, slightly beaten
3/4 cup cold water
1 tsp baking soda in 1/4 cup hot water
Add crumb mixture and beat together.
Pour into unbaked pie shell. Sprinkle reserved 1/2 cup crumbs on top.
Bake 35 minutes.
(By the way, I know most people checking this are really only looking for baby pictures, so here are two of the latest).