Two weeks ago, our family lost a dear member and heaven gained a new organ accompanist. We knew that Grandma Dee would not have an easy road ahead after our Papa passed away last March. They had been married soul mates for 65+ years and I can't imagine living alone after that. After all, these were the couple that other people used as role models for their own marriage! But she did well until the very last few weeks. My mom spent time with her near the end and they planned on how all of us could care for her better. We hoped she would be well enough to move to Michigan. Our girls cheered when they heard that she requested that. But instead, God choose to call her Home.

None of us could be there with her on her very last day, but we are so
grateful that her pastors and church friend were there to sing hymns and
pray Psalms with her in her final hours. What a gift of faith and
example in that way she was to us. It was not easy to say good-bye to
her but we know that not only does she live on perfectly in heaven, but
also in our memories. In Amalia's independence, Brinnly's love of
purple, Carrigan's taste for sauerkraut, Delaney's feisty-ness, and
countless other ways. My Aunt Pam wrote the obituary for the memorial
service and invited us to picture Papa whirling Grandma Dee around in
heaven, much as they did so often on earth, but now dancing upon the
"You have turned my mourning into dancing"--Psalm 30:11