I have never been as behind on blogging than I have this month. But with good reason! First, I owe you lots of posts about our dear, sweet 7-year-old Brinnly. Such a month for her! And did I mention, that we moved? Seriously! Across the country, more or less! We are settling in here in lovely Milwaukee. It was a ton of work and still is in many ways, but all is good. More details on that to follow. And, four days before we moved, in the midst of packing and good-byes, we went in for a first ultrasound of "Baby E".
As soon as the doppler was on my stomach, Jonathan noticed something different than any of the many ultasounds we had before. The tech asked us "How about twins?" And we laughed and cried tears and tears of happiness as we watched "Baby E" AND "Baby F" wiggle around on the screen. It was the most wonderful surprise ever. Thanks be to God for his gracious, generous gifts!