Construction on the drive has been awful, but at least it gave us the chance to find a new favorite Chinese restaurant in Indiana!
We celebrated the Fourth of July at Aunt Grace's house with a lovely view of the impressive Baroda fireworks. Love this tradition!

We had lots of fun geocaching, hiking, swimming, and cooking yummy camp food. The weather was perfect until rain on the last night, so we packed up early and instead had our maple bacon pancakes at Aunt Kara's house.
These two stayed in Michigan the first two nights but joined us for fun the last day.
A few days later we came back to Michigan for Aunt Pam to visit! And the annual "Cousins' Day" while she was in town. My mom's cousin's son took some amazing pictures that day that I need to link to this blog.
Whenever Aunt Pam is around, there's always a conga line.
I guess Grant was tired so Everly pulled him home. They've been loving playing outside!
And we had a pet for a week! The preschool guinea pig, "Pumpernickel", visited us for a few days. The twins loved him. Grant was reading him a bedtime story in this shot.