I think I say this every month, but this season has really been a whirlwind. We've already had several bouts of sickness in the midst of school starting, volleyball games, and new schedules. But, we did have the opportunity to celebrate ten (TEN!) years of life for our sweet Brinnly last month.

She is such a gem, that girl. She's fancy and feisty. She is such a tenderheart, especially with the twins, but then keeps right up with her classmates, even though she is technically younger than most of them. I love that she's a runner and up for trying new sports and music as well. Reading is still her favorite pastime, especially when its of the fantasy genre. She loves cooking, baking, and trying new ethnic foods but still avoids most fruit. She loves chocolate, camping, and motorcycles--I always say she's a perfect combination of her grandmothers. She may be a whole decade old, but she's still quick to cuddle up to her parents. We had a blast celebrating her big birthday with a swimming party at the Y with her whole class. Her menu choices of a donut cake and lasgana soup were pretty fantastic too.

Brinnly Ruth Ward, you bring each member of our family such joy in your unique way. We are so thankful that God gave us you as such a special gift. We know he will continue to use to do great things!