Friday, January 26, 2007

More links we love

Astute readers of our blog will notice that we've added two new links. You might remember Mike and Kellie Ryan from this picture.

Now not only do they have a blog but their first baby, Jack is expected to make his appearance in March. Kellie also has the distinction of being Mali's first official baby-sitter and we'll always be grateful to helping us ease the transition of Kaethe going back to work part-time.

Eric and Marian Larsonare friends from back in our Milwaukee days. Marian and Kaethe worked together and I think it was Marian who said how easy it was to make long-lasting friends in Milwaukee. Maybe it had something to do with the craziness of the work environment at times? They left us to join the Peace Corps and later change the world in many other ways. They now now have a beautiful daughter, Stella, and another baby on the way. What is it with blogs and babies?

By the way, Marian can also throw one wild bachelorette party. Her speciality dance move is "The Worm" while Eric is known for his "Roger Rabbit". Unfortunately (?) we don't have any pictures to post from those experiences.


Karianne said...

Oooh, and the Kurths are on there TWICE! You must really like them. They must be fabulous people.

The Wards said...

Seriously, I'm going to figure out this blog thing for real someday. Social workers aren't always the most tech-savvy. As much as we love the Kurths, I think one link to them is plenty.

the larsons said...

iYou make us sound way cooler than we are. If I did the worm that night, I certainly don't remember it. As for the Roger Rabbit, I'm still subjected to that torture on at least a bi-monthly basis.

I'm so glad we caught up again. Given any more thought to an Asheville trip?

Kellie said...

i feel honored- first official babysitter:)
we've certainly enjoyed watching that little cutie sprout up. jack's only heard her voice, but i'm afraid he likes what he hears a little too much-- we'll have to keep a close eye on him when he arrives.
oh, and i think the link to our site is mistyped.

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