Friday, October 17, 2008


As we may have mentioned on this blog, Mali's godparents, The Kurths were recently in town for a visit. We weren't even home from dropping them off at the airport when we got the news that Brinn's godparents, The Meyers were coming for a visit of their own. Maybe they caught wind of the top-secret godparent contest we were attempting to conduct. In typical Meyer fashion, they stayed for less than twenty-four hours, but we were just glad that they arrived before 11:00 pm as used to be their tradition. The beautiful fall weather continued and the kids raced around the park together as we kept remarking on how much they had grown. It was the perfect opportunity to celebrate all of the BIG NEWS concurrently in the works for the Meyers. A baby on the way! And she's a girl! A new pastoral call! A move to Fort. Wayne!

(We hope that all those monumental events won't interfere with Aunt Ruth continuing her gift of sending us homemade bars every month. Here's her goddaughter enjoying her first taste of one now that she's been introduced to desserts)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmm Mmm good!! That's our girl! We love desserts in this family!

Grandma Sandy