Wednesday, May 13, 2009

30 Weeks...and time to start guessing!

It's that time again. Here is Baby #3's baby pool:

A few more pregnancy tidbits: all is well but my ankles are definitely showing the signs of late pregnancy. Ugh. The baby most recently is measuring long and I'm gaining more than enough weight. For anyone that saw me in my past two pregnancies, that's no surprise. There's no noticeable difference between this time and the prior two times--maybe that means another girl? We've got a list of names going and right now all of them start with "C". Mali and Brinnly were both overdue (Mali by 8 days and Brinn by 4) and were induced so I'm not holding my breath for a July 20th arrival. Mali weighed 7 lbs, 10 oz. and Brinn was 7 lbs, 1 oz. if that helps you make your guess. Winner gets free lodging anytime he or she visits Grand Rapids--and the entertainment of three kids on top of that! Good luck!

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