Friday, September 30, 2011

Five on Friday

1)  As you can seen from the previous pictures, we had a fantastic visit with the Kurth family while they were in town for a family wedding.  We can't believe we both lived here for only four months before they moved back to Texas many years ago.  Now at least we have vacations as an excuse for our Kurth-fix.

2) They were gracious enough to watch our kids while Jonathan and I did the Great Race on Sunday morning.  Baby D. and I didn't set any records, but at least we finished the 5K at a decent pace.  Jonathan, however, set a personal best of 44:50 for the 10K.  Not bad!

3) That gave him energy for this past week at work.  He's been busy closing deals on projects in Kalamazoo, South Bend, and at Grand Valley.  How ironic that we had to move back to Pittsburgh for him to work on development near our hometown.

4) Have I mentioned Carrigan's recent quirk?  That girl is terrified of feathers!.  Even pillows and dress-up boas can give her the willies. Today we read a book about a baby penguin losing it's feathers. "YUCKY!", she kept saying.

5) Two trimesters down, one to go for Baby D.  It's getting exciting!

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