Friday, June 14, 2019

That's a wrap!

 What a school year we've had!  I feel like we say this every year, but this one really has been a big one for our family!  It was Mali and Brinnly's first year at a brand new school that we decided on so last-minute.  God really has answered our prayers with Brookfield Christian and we are so thankful for the community he has provided there for our big girls and the academic challenges they've had.  They are excited for next year--7th and 8th grades!

Carrigan did great in 4th grade this year.  Her teacher is also the art teacher and her creativity really struck a chord with Carrigan. Her class is a tight-knit group and they have a lot of fun together.  Delaney also had a great year and loved her teacher too.  She became a really independent reader this year (crushing that AR goal!) and her class just loves her sense of humor.

Everly, Grant, and I also had some big changes this year when I started work at EGL.  I loved being a part of our school and am proud of our successes there.  The twins learned how to make the best of child care and are really looking forward to PreK4 next year.

And now we're off to enjoy summer!  Carrigan's got her Tosa Tumbler ready! 

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