Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Fifteen Months Old

This is quite possibly our favorite picture of Carrigan, ever.  It sums up her current state of being--in motion, dressed in "pretties" like her big sisters, and blonder than ever.  She just had her well-child check up and weighed in at 20 lbs, even, and 30 inches.  That puts her right in the 10th percentile for weights (just like the other girls) and 54% for height.  Pretty tall for a member of the Ward family!  Her sound vocabulary is growing and her vocal cords get PLENTY of exercise, even without many words. She has become more of a snuggler lately and we're all happy to indulge her.  She's also picking up more of the nursery rhymes and games that we play at the library and at home and plays them well with her sisters.  But mostly she's climbing and running, and carrying things everywhere.  The bigger the better.

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