Saturday, September 15, 2007

The scoop on Brinnly Ruth...

A few more details on our littlest girl:

She is now five days old and doing great! We came home from the hospital on Thursday and have been pampered by doting grandmas ever since. Grandpa Gregg and Aunt Kara are now visiting too.

Her big sister LOVES her--really! And suddenly matching outfits have gone from being considered cheesy and over the top to an adorable necessity.

And for those of you that asked, we use both her full name, Brinnly and her nickname Brinn. Her name is Welsh in orgin and we both have family roots from that general region. We thought it was a nice compliment to Amalia's German name. Her middle name, Ruth,was chosen for her godmother, Ruth Meyer, and Kaethe's great-grandmother, Ruth Shunkwiler. We certainly hope she can live up to those namesakes!


mh said...

Many congratulations to all FOUR of you!!! Mali, I know you'll be a great big sister to Brinn. Brinn,remember that every now and then, it's okay to indulge your sister's whims. 26 years from now, you may be like me and STILL be needing her to do your hair. :)
Bickering is inevitable but sisters are forever.

Grace, Peace, and Blessings to all of you.

Tonya said...

Kate - you are totally right- she looks exactly like Mali!! :) How precious. Congrats you guys. Nothing is cuter than 2 little girls running around (in matching outfits!) - I defer to my nieces, of course. :)

Can't wait to meet her. Love, Tonya

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your newest addition. She's beautiful, and I like her name. (A name! You have to name babies! How will I ever come up with a name for this guy?)

Hope all's going well for you as you transition to life with two children.

Patiently waiting my turn...