Monday, February 08, 2010

Guess who owns Trader Joe's?

One of the things we miss most about Pittsburgh is our dear Trader Joe's. I'm not a fan of the traditional grocery stores (especially Giant Eagle and Meijer's) and find them nearly impossible with little kids. So I've been frequenting another small store lately--initially only for price reasons, but their produce is really, really good. Check out this article to see why it's seeming so familiar. I gues I'm no longer a grocery snob! What's next, Hardings owning Whole Foods?


mh said...

I completely fell in love with Trader Joe's this last summer when I was in Boston! Aldi? Really? We're getting an Aldi just down the street from my house...I'm intrigued to explore produce!

tim said...


When I was living in Germany Aldi was everywhere...but mostly neighborhood stores you would walk to....

Walmart bought Verkauf and tried to enter the German market and they did not do well. All the Verkaufs were in strip malls along the highway, which is not how most germans shop...