Sunday, January 03, 2016

Nineteen! (Actually, Four)

Four years ago I was blessed with the best belated birthday gift ever--a 6 lb, 15 oz healthy baby girl in my arms. She cried a lot the first night (little did we know how much crying would be in our future!) but eventually settled into her daddy's chest and into our hearts forever . Delaney Fay Ward continues to be a one-of-a kind character. She may be the fourth girl in our family, but we credit her for reminding us that children are a blessing and realizing that the world and our family would be better off with more of them.  Good thing--since she is a wonderful big sister to Everly and Grant. She is kind, sweet, and mothering to them and also eager to play everything from puppies to trucks with them. 
This year Delaney started preschool and her world exploded. Her sweet little class (just her, one friend, and the class guinea pig!) is perfect for her and she is learning letters, science, music, Bible Stories, and how not to boss her friends around. Her other days at home are filled with pretending to be a teenager, dancing to Taylor Swift, and dreaming up craft projects. She's always eager to do a workout video with me or ride her bike--as long as it doesn't interfere with her night-owl tendencies. She still loves the movie Frozen, black olive pizza, tacos, and Eeyore. She claims that her new favorite colors are pink and purple (because they are "fashion", but we've had four year olds before and are know that this phase won't necessarily last. She'll be back to blue sometime soon,
Delaney-Cakes, we love you and all of the rules you create for our family. You make us smile often, laugh hard, and want to scoop you up and cuddle you all day long. God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave us you and we are so thankful to him for all that you are. Someday you will turn your favorite age (19) but until then, we will love you being four,

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