Wednesday, September 11, 2013


We keep looking at the clock today to remind Brinnly that six years ago on this day, she still had not made her appearance to the world.  We should have known that a 25 hour labor would lead to an child occasionally dubbed "high-maintenance". Never in a million years could we have dreamed how sweet that child was.  When a tiny, blue-faced Brinnly Ruth Ward finally arrived at 10:52 pm that night, we knew our family had been blessed.

I remember when she was around two and a half or three that we claimed that life was hard on her.  She was sandwiched between one older and one younger sister and struggled to claim her pace. I remember a lot of tantrums from those days.  But when we look back on it now--wow, how things have changed for her.  As Jonathan commented about her at dinner tonight, she wakes up ready to face the world, jumps out of bed, and starts her day with a smile.  (Assuming she gets enough sleep, that is.  She is the sleeper in the family.  Snoozing away in the computer room as I type this because her sisters keep her up too late in their shared room).

When you see Brinnly, the first thing you notice is her accessories.  She's usually decked out in pink cowgirl boots (because I don't allow platform high heels on playgrounds), headbands, and always, bracelets.  The girl likes her bling.  Her big loves are still desserts, baby dolls, dancing, and anything purple.  She's also carved out a niche for herself a the family clown and enjoys her talent of making her sisters laugh.  She is a silly one but also our most sensitive--quick to cry, be hurt, and notice others in need.

She's tough, our girl.  My first running daughter and she's promised me a 5K again together this spring.  She's her daddy's yardwork helper, especially with fall leaves.  Just don't get her too close to a sports Mascot or Chuck E. Cheese or anything similar.  Meltdown city.  Uncle Josh's magic glasses are the only things that can remedy that situation.

Brinnly Ruth, we are so eager to watch you continue to grow in faith and knowledge at school this year.  Your teachers have noted that you live your faith in your friendships and we pray that it will continue to mature.  May we all love as bodly as you do.  I never imagined a rock thrown at a bug on my glass door or pleading with a daughter to eat a berry or peach, but you keep surprising us in so many ways.  Thanks for  being that sweet newborn baby girl who slept best at nights on her daddy's chest. More grown up now, but still as lovely. Our family is stronger and sweeter because of you.

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